This is my first Thanksgiving to have a blog, and with the nature of blogs, I though this would be the perfect time to reflect on everything I am thankful for:
1. Always to top my list, my husband, my parents, my friends. They are always there for me when I need it, whether it’s Zach, loving me despite my craziness, my parents, who I can always count on for a good meal and good advice, and my friends for retail therapy and to gossip. I love you all so much and my life wouldn’t be complete without you!
2. My kitties. Though they are both very sick at the moment (kennel cough cat version) I love them very much. I snuggle with them even when they don’t want to be snuggled with, and the fact that they don’t scratch out my eyes tells me they enjoy it (just a little) too. My furry little children, I love them!
3. Our House. The whole thing happened so fast last Fall; I don’t think I really ever thought about what happened. Not even being in the market for a house, we suddenly were and had one in two weeks. Then with all of the fix-ups and moving, I never even though how amazingly awesome it was that we live in a house and not an apartment. Apartment living has its perks, but I wouldn’t trade my location, backyard view, or just the feeling that it’s mine for any luxury apartment. Our first home, I am so thankful for.
4. Photography. Without it, who knows what I would be doing. Seriously. Who knows? Though I spend more time in front of the computer than I’d like, I love all the other times I get to go outside and photograph happy people. I get to eat cake (
awesome cake) year round, I'm always surrounded by love, and I get to document very special moments in my clients lives. What could be better? I truly love what I do and am blessed to be able to do it!
5. My Clients. Without all of you, I wouldn’t even be writing this. There would be no blog, no website and no expensive camera equipment sitting 10 feet behind me. You have all been so awesomely amazing to me; trusting me with your events, referring me to your friends, and giving me the praise and encouragement I need to keep motivating myself to do better than before. So many of you have become my friends, friends I would have never made had it not for photography. I love you all so much, and am truly thankful for how fantastic you have been to me. Thank you all!
Now for random items I am super thankful for:
1. Music – you get me through long days of editing *especially you, John Mayer*
2. Chocolate – no explanation necessary. I love you too much.
3. Mashed potatoes – seriously. I love you, probably more than Chocolate *sorry chocolate*. With butter and salt, you are the best. Plus, I will be eating you in 3 hours. Yum
4. Chapstick – my best friend in tube form. My lips love you.
5. Lavender Linen Spray – you make my bedroom smell amazing. Plus your soothing scent puts me to sleep after a long day.
6. Movies/Hollywood – you entertain me frequently and sometimes disappoint, but once a year there is always something you give me that rocks.
7. May 9th at 2pm. – Graduation day. Best day of 2009.
8. Fat birds – Little fat birdies, you make me soooo happy. There is no reason for it, you just do. The fatter, the better.
9. Solitaire – I have played waaaayy too many hours of you on my phone (over 50…I admit…) but you always clear my head and I love a challenge. Every game can be won, so figuring out the key is exhilarating. (Yes, I know. I’m weird…)
10. The Mall – Oh Mall, you present me with so many lovely things that can be mine with the swipe of a card. You provide my therapy, creating sheer joy for shirt, which cannot be matched anywhere else. You give me a place to chat with friends, forget about the world and eat greasy food. You are a haven, and you try to make me stylish. You are fabulous.
To everyone, I hope you all have a wonderful, safe, family filled, love filled, and tummy filled Thanksgiving. Happy Turkey Day!!